Safeguarding Your Home Through Your Door Locks

Your home is like a safe nest, where you keep all you valuable belonging like jewelry, money, and the most important thing is where your family feels safe. Everybody deserve to have that feeling that they are safe when they are in their homes. Am sure make people have done the simple things that are needed to enhance their safety like locking the doors, windows and simple measures like keeping the lights on when you are not at home. The Unlockit Locksmith will help you safeguard your door lock.
But that’s not enough there are more ways that you can make sure that you are safeguarding your home through the door locks. Below are tips that you need to follow to make sure that you get the safety feeling with the locks in your house.
General information
Install a door viewer
A door viewer and sometimes people refer to it as the spy hole, is a vital addition to your door, by installing this door viewer you will have access to seeing who is at the door when the ring the bell. You will be able to find out who at the door no matter where you are at the house just using your phone. Also, for the kids since they are short and they can’t use the peephole, the door viewer will be so helpful for them when you show them how to use it and they won’t allow any strangers to the house when you are not allowed.
Wrought iron door
When you are getting the door, use two doors because two doors are better than one when it comes to your safety. The wrought iron door are a great addition when it comes to your safety, and it will be an obstacle that the burglars will have to deal with and they typically choice to leave it alone because of the time they use in wrought iron doors.
Install a deadbolt
The door has to be strong as well as the locks, if the locks are not reliable, then you will not be doing anything because the locks can easily let the burglars in the house. If the locks don’t extend inside the doorframe, then the door can easily be opened by just a kick. When choosing the best deadbolt ask your locksmith for help in knowing which is the best in the market and don’t choose the cheapest consider the quality.
The doorframes
The doorframes are usually forgotten, and they are crucial because with a swift kick to the frames the door can open. Instead of installing those thin door frames, install a deeper frame and make sure that they are bolted firmly to the door.