Category: Home maintenance

man on tractor

Features to Consider Before Purchasing a Compact Tractor

A small tractor is a significant investment, and there are various models in the models from which you can choose. There several things to consider before you part with your money. If you are shopping for your first tractor, then figuring out what you require is intimidating. You do not need a large machine which costs a fortune. Lightweight, compact tractors with smaller price tags can do the job, but you need to know exactly what you need. Here are some features to consider before making a decision.

Horsepowersmall tractor in farm

This is a vital consideration. The higher the horsepower of the compact tractor, the more you can haul and pull. The amount of power you require depends on the terrain and the job. The bigger the scale, the bigger the engine you will need. Drawbar horsepower is vital when pulling weight while the power take-off horsepower is useful during bush hogging.


These tractors are generally small and lightweight. A heavy load or moving with the loader in the air can make your machine heavy, especially when working on a slope. Roller protection systems with roll bars and seat belts is of crucial concern. Roll bars are the structures that protect the driver from being crushed in a rollover. The seatbelt also keeps the driver anchored in case of rollovers.


A compact tractor model with 4-wheel drive essential for difficult terrain, sloped ground, and loose soil. Your choice of tires also boosts your traction, and there are various options as far as this is concerned. These range from Ag to industrial and turf wheels.


green tractorThe transmission on the tractor is a big deal. In vehicles, the engine just has to propel the car and its content. Tractors, however, are designed to perform various tasks like dragging, tilling and hauling. The transmission converts the engine power to wheels thus turning at a much slower rate. They are not designed exactly for racing, just for the brute force required to drag heavy loads. There are three different modes of transmission for you to consider. These include the straight gear drive, hydrostatic and shuttle transmission.


Regardless of the model and brand you purchase, new compact tractors come with a warranty. Some are better than others. Most of the manufacturers usually offer a 12-month warranty, but the best manufacturers offer up to 6-year warranties. Ensure you understand that the manufacturer warranties cover part and labor. Also, be aware that there are various types of warranties

You will also need to consider the comfort of the tractor, the customer services offered by the manufacturer and the financing options. A tractor is a worthy investment, and you do not want to go wrong when choosing.…


red robotic pool cleaners

Benefits Of Robotic Pool cleaners

Swimming is deemed to be one of the best recreational activities. As a result, most people invest in a good swimming pool after building a good home. Having one is good, but maintenance is a nightmare for most. Robotic pool cleaners come with more benefits than the traditional vacuum cleaners. Buying the best robotic pool cleaner is a smart choice for you swimming pool. After reviewing some of the advantages below, you will want to own one.

Benefits of robotic pool cleaners

Deeper filtrationpool side

Some are said to have a finer water filtration of up to 3 microns. This kind of filtration is amazing. They will ensure that the pool has maximum clarity at all times. They eliminate the fine particles of dust and other impurities without errors. Most pools that use robotic pool cleaners are considered the best for those people who are allergic to dust.

Improved water mixing

Most traditional vacuum cleaners have no such a capability. They require a pump to assist in water mixing. However, robotic pool cleaners use new technology that mixes water at almost 90 GPM. At this rate, chemicals get to circulate well in the pool giving maximum effect.

Lower usage of chemicals

Due to their maximum effect, the level of chemicals use is now less. Chemicals used to improve clarity now have a booster. It makes the pool water safer for all people. Most people do not get a chance to swim due to the sensitive nature of their skin. Now they have a reason to smile. The robotic cleaners lower the chemical usage to a significant level.

smart technology

It is called smart, yes. Imagine having a robotic cleaner that will measure the size of your pool, calculates the work and programs itself on the best approach. Isnt that awesome? Thanks to their technology. The smart capability ensures no chances of a mess. They combine different work and approach it in a smart way to give excellent results.

Saves time

No one has all the time to keep on vacuuming a pool. The robotic cleaners are faster efficient and can do the work on their own. You just need to program them, and you can be doing something else as they work.

Saves mrobotic pool cleanersoney

How? They must be expensive than traditional ones. Do not consider the initial costs, consider the long run costs. Since they can work through programming, then there is no need to hire a pool attendant. You will not need to use a lot of chemicals thus saving more money.

As a conclusion, robotic pool cleaners are the new technology most people are embracing due to the many benefits they have. They will give a general improvement to your pool.…