Category: Hair care

hair loss on a man's head

Key Things You Should Know About Hair Transplant

Is getting a hair transplant in your bucket list? Well, that’s an awesome plan. With the best hair transplant treatment available nowadays, you are assured of a natural and youthful look. According to recent studies, men who have had hair transplants appear sexier, younger, and more successful.
Besides, women too suffer hair loss leading to low self-esteem. This will restore your confidence and leave you styling your hair as you wish within a short period.

Before getting that hair transplant, here are some key things you need to know:

It usually Involves one Surgery Procedure

one surgery procedureDo you suffer surgery phobias? It is time you relax.You will only have to undergo one transplant procedure unless you are completely bald. Regardless, your hair transplant surgeon can choose the option of transplanting a larger amount of hair follicle grafts, thus saving you from extra surgery sessions.

It Is a Procedure that Fits Your Lifestyle

A hair transplant is performed in two different procedures. Depending on your lifestyle, you can get a NeoGraft transplant. The NeoGraft has no visible scars and fits you well if you prefer to wear your hair short since it is only in the balding areas that the hair follicles are planted. Alternatively, you can get Follicular Unit Transplant, but in this case, scars may be visible since it involves the removal of hair from the grafts. However, this process is easy to recover from, and only a few treatment sessions are required.

It Takes Time to Get the Results

takes time to show resultsYour new hair will fall off after getting a transplant. You don’t have to panic as this is normal. Your scalp will hold the roots of the transferred hair, and in about three months, your hair will begin to grow. Waiting patiently, maybe for a further period of nine to twelve months, will reward you with fully-grown hair that gives you all the glow you need.

It is a Permanent Procedure

A hair transplant involves taking hair and relocating it to the bald parts, thus a permanent process. You, therefore, can’t undergo a trial procedure on a smaller portion of the head. Rather, you have to dive into it fully.

After the transplant, the maintenance of the implanted hair is quite affordable. Moreover, it is hard for anyone to tell you underwent a procedure to restore your hair.



man lossing his hair

How to Find the Best Hair Transplant Surgeon

Hair transplant might be necessary for, but also can bring some problems as well. It is then wise to find the right hair transplant surgeon since the whole process requires an experienced person to do the surgery. But, if you fail to choose the best you might end up with disappointment with the outcome. And even introduce some post-surgery health problems which can lead to death.

Choosing a surgeon that will provide the best result can be very tiresome; keeping in mind nothing good comes on a plate. You have to conduct research that will help you in your choosing process. Also, the context has some helpful tips that will help you spot the best person to do the hair transplant.

Ask About the Recommendations

They are many ways to determine the best doctor, but the most convenient way is trough finding the doctor’s recommendations from different hair transplant doctors you meet. Doing this will help you have the confidence about the result and create a good rapport with your beauty surgeon. It is crucial to have a good relationship with them for you to understand the whole process efficiently. By archiving this, you can know from them, what you will expect after the surgery is over. Apart from your doctor, you can also find some extra information by consulting a dermatologist person. As an added advantage they will recommend to you if you need the hair transplant or not and give you some more options to apply. Because, you can visit a doctor and suggest a surgery only because, he or she needs some cash not to provide the service.

hair surge

Qualifications of the Surgeon

Since this is a sensitive part, that deals with your body and a small process done wrong can lead you to a long-term suffering. Before hiring someone to deal with your body make sure that person is qualified in the field you are hiring him or her. A perfect choice to take is someone with many years of experience not less than ten years. A doctor with a degree from a recommended instruction will make the excellent option to choose.

The cost of Medication

Different hair transplant doctors charge different prices depending on the technology applied in the process or any other reason. Before you go out to book for appointment first seat down and arrange your budget and make some estimation of minimum and maximum cash that you can pay. Then go ahead and find a doctor who agrees to provide the transplant with your price. I recommend that you avoid cheap surgeon, as they are not the right options to take.

Engage Friends

asking friend for infoFind some extra information from friends or people you know have gone through the same. Ask the direct referral to the doctor who did the process. This will not only save you time from moving from one clinic to the other but also give you some confidence in the results. Always insist on the best and demand for a qualified …